Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Game : Play : Simulation


What I think of when i hear the word play is i think of something fun. It means something of excitement or joy, playing can be an activity that people do with each other.Play can be make believe or real depending on the age group. What i also think about the word "Play" is a game. A game is one of the first things that come to my mind when i think of the word play. When i was younger my mom would say go outside and play, and i automatically thought of something fun, like riding my bike or playing jump rope.
The word "Game" is often used when you are playing, a game is an activity that people play to sometimes challenge the brain or just for fun. Today games are really being used in classrooms to help the students learn better. By them playing a game it makes it fun for them and easier to learn the material. It also makes them want to learn if they can play a game. I know a game when i see one because its usually a board with a lot of colors on it and it looks like something fun. A game usually has weird characters on it which lets you know its a game. Their are games that don't have colors and characters on it and can just be cards with clues and riddles. That's another way i can tell if something is a game. Their are riddles and clues , by it being riddles and clues i automatically know its a game because its going to be something fun. When i was younger games like "monopoly" and "sorry" was always a board game full of colors and and pieces you would use to move around on the board. So when i saw other board games similar to that i automatically knew i was about to play a game. Their was also another game called "blurt" this game had colors and pieces but this game was more of a mind challenging game. It had questions that was read that you had to guess the first one to blurt out the answer was the winner.
Simulation is when you imagine something or make it up, its not real. For example when my sister was younger before i was born she had an imaginary friend that she would talk to as a kid. She made this person up that's what simulation means its not real its a false appearance. All three of these words are connected in some way "play", "Game", "Simulation". Play makes you think of a game and some games are characters that people made up for fun and simulation is something of false appearance. So i believe that all three of these words relate to one another.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Matrix

The matrix to me was different from the type of movies i am used to. I liked the action that they gave and the slow moving effects. What was also good about the matrix was the story line,
as said in the movie "The Matrix is everything its all around you". I noticed that they used certain colors through out the movie. Which was red,black and blue. The elements of this movie was reality vs. Illusion. The slow motion effects and the jump across large spaces on the buildings that Neo was doing was very interesting, as well as the the fact that the connection between the two worlds was a telephone. I also noticed that everyone talked like robots, the cops talked very slow. Also in the matrix it was always dark and at the beginning of the movie it was always raining and dark. I also like how they used reference to other movies in this movie. I also noticed that everyone was always dressed in black and their was never a sun. The matrix was very strange but in a way i enjoyed it, it was different. I loved that at the end Neo finally realized that he was the one. That was the best part of the movie to me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I love to film

Hello my name is lisha i am currently majoring in media studies. I love to film and make music videos and movies, with my sister and cousins. I want to work for VH1 in the future and hopefully i can show off my skills and what i can do to the world. I've been filming since i was about 7 on my fathers camera. I'm always remaking movies and videos with my cousins. I also like to draw and take pictures. I'm a very creative person and just love to try and learn new things when it comes to filming. wheather its making a movie , a music video, taking pictures of people, or even doing wat a videograher does. I like to do it all because i love the camera and watching my work when its all done.