Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Research So Far (Keys For Writers)

So far the update on my project is going really well. I basically finished my paper. The only problem i'm having is citing my paper. I kinda understand but my paper still needs a little work. The keys for writers is really helpful but i guess i need someone to look at it and make sure i'm doing it right. Other than that my research is going good.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Video Game Addiction

I decided to change my topic from multi task to video game addiction i think it is a lot more interesting to write about and it will be a lot more interesting to read. I feel that i wasn't going to really be able to say much about how video games teach us to multi task. So far i have written a lot on video game addiction I'm almost done just 3more pages left then i can proof read and find my mistakes and have time to correct it and make it better than it was when i finished. I have a lot of i formation i found 3 books on my topic and 2 websites i think or 3 websites so i think I'm doing pretty good so far. I can't wait to see my outcome of everything all together in the end.