Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Matrix

The matrix to me was different from the type of movies i am used to. I liked the action that they gave and the slow moving effects. What was also good about the matrix was the story line,
as said in the movie "The Matrix is everything its all around you". I noticed that they used certain colors through out the movie. Which was red,black and blue. The elements of this movie was reality vs. Illusion. The slow motion effects and the jump across large spaces on the buildings that Neo was doing was very interesting, as well as the the fact that the connection between the two worlds was a telephone. I also noticed that everyone talked like robots, the cops talked very slow. Also in the matrix it was always dark and at the beginning of the movie it was always raining and dark. I also like how they used reference to other movies in this movie. I also noticed that everyone was always dressed in black and their was never a sun. The matrix was very strange but in a way i enjoyed it, it was different. I loved that at the end Neo finally realized that he was the one. That was the best part of the movie to me.


Shekira said...

lisha i agree with u some of the things in this movie were strange and their were a lot of dark scenes

Erica said...

I totally agree..the movie was dark kind of gray. I think that may be the reason why the movie didn't catch my eye..

N33dMoreCowbell said...

Nice blog! After reading this blog, I feel like I left a ton of stuff out of my blog, LOL. For example, I completely left out the weather and color symbolism in my blog, which was an important aspect in the film. Once again, a really nice blog

Anonymous said...

i AgReE wiT yOu LiShA i Am NoT uSe To SeEiNg AcTi0n MoViE EitHeR bUt I eNj0yEd iT

Nervel said...

Awesome job Lisha, i liked how you mentioned the color and weather of the movie and stated the elements of the movie. Good observations and i feel the same way David does :P

Hironelly said...

you are right the movie is a different types that am used to seeing also. i love how you use examples in the movie and very detailed about it. i notice more things in the movie now by reading other people blogs.