Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Research So Far (Keys For Writers)

So far the update on my project is going really well. I basically finished my paper. The only problem i'm having is citing my paper. I kinda understand but my paper still needs a little work. The keys for writers is really helpful but i guess i need someone to look at it and make sure i'm doing it right. Other than that my research is going good.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Video Game Addiction

I decided to change my topic from multi task to video game addiction i think it is a lot more interesting to write about and it will be a lot more interesting to read. I feel that i wasn't going to really be able to say much about how video games teach us to multi task. So far i have written a lot on video game addiction I'm almost done just 3more pages left then i can proof read and find my mistakes and have time to correct it and make it better than it was when i finished. I have a lot of i formation i found 3 books on my topic and 2 websites i think or 3 websites so i think I'm doing pretty good so far. I can't wait to see my outcome of everything all together in the end.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Games that help you Multi task

A topic that i think i might do for our research paper would be how some games help you to multi task and do a lot of things at one time. A game I'm thinking of using is "Hell's Kitchen". In hell's kitchen you have to prepare the food, then you have to go back to the front room and seat the people. Then you wait and take there order and go back into the kitchen to make the food. The tricky thing is while the food is cooking you have to go back out to the front and check to make sure no one is waiting on the line to be seated and that no one is waiting for there order to be taken or the food to be taken away. You must be careful that you go back into the kitchen and make sure the food is burning. You also have different timers set for the food and you have to make sure you don't put one of the foods in too quick. Another good thing about games like this is they help you not want to fail. You always try to get a 5 which is a perfect. For me it made me not want to give up and kept trying until i got it perfect. That could help people in the real world to when it comes to jobs. There might be an assignment that they have to do and they will make sure that it is perfect before they hand it in.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pixi Sticks

This week we took a field trip to Game Stop and Toy R Us and two other game stores. I notice a lot of things that aren't the same as when i was a kid. There was this toy car which was a lot more advanced than when i used to have toy cars. They look more realistic and the price for them were really high. They had a car called the Porsche and it cost $71.99. It came with headlights and a Trim alignment. I had a good time on the trip because besides games i pasted by star bucks and got to try some free hot chocolate. I also go some pixi sticks from toys r us and I've been eating it all week. Pixi sticks have a lot of sugar and i recently feel asleep after eating so many of them. I had a sugar crash but it was still good. I think shekira, Erica, Q and Tay would agree with me. I think that a game is something that you play to achieve a goal and it can also be challenging. A game is something made for more than one person to play. A toy is something that has the border of all games combine. I think a game is for more than one age its for all ages. A toy is mostly for kids and people with a young mind. Most games are for all cultures they have green people , white,black orange etc. I feel games come in all cultures its not just for one specific cultural all games have there own culture. I also think games today are more high tech than when i was younger. I also learned that board games are mostly strategy games and that PC games and Console games have nothing different about the two. Its just one uses a mouse and the other uses a controller but the games are mostly the same.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

week 6

I Have learned a lot so far in my cluster of classes In my American Film Class i really learned a lot when it comes to analyze a film and how editing is done. Dr. J is very helpful and fun and so is Dr. Louis. I really like all my classes as well as the teachers. In My 101/103 class Dr. J has really helped us prepare for our midterm paper as well as help us to know if we are plagiarizing or not. We also have been doing a lot of writing which i don't really mind because it's just helping me to become a better writer. I like that we got to watch the movie the matrix and also got to play games. It's fun it's like we do our work but get to play and have fun at the same time which is cool. I also like that we get to be on the computer a lot i like that the most. In Dr. Louis class i like it because we get to really just discuss what ever the topic may be at the time and we have fun. In my american film class i like that we get to watch movies and i get to see the different styles of movies and how they were before sound. Overall i really like my cluster of especially because all three teachers talk and we don't get a overload of work all at once. This semester so far seems to be going really well.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Club Fair

The club fair was really interesting , they had a break dancing club which was really different. You could join the break dancing club to break dance or you could just be a supporter, which is what i would do if i was to join. I don't think i would be able to break dance because i would just end up hurting myself and that isn't any fun. Although this club seemed fun i probably wouldn't do it. Another club i saw was a poetry club where you do short story writing and poems. I use to love writing poems so I'm really going to look more into that. The one club that seemed like the most fun out of all of the clubs would have to be the Gamers Club. They Play Video games and what ever game you might have trouble beating or don't understand they help you learn how to play it. Their were a lot of other interesting things going on at the fair that wasn't a club. They had the sparkling juice and they were also giving out coffee mugs and you save 10cents If you use it in the school cafeteria. The club fair i would have to say was really fun. I got to learn about different clubs and i also got free things like a mug, juice and they even had candy. I had a really good time.

The Gee Article about Innovation Strategies for learning in a global age

In the Gee article innovation its about how our kids today have a problem with their literacy. He states in the article that we need to basically change the way we teach children today. The world is becoming a more advanced world when it comes to literature and digital media. You have to make sure you stay on the same level with it because if you don't you might find yourself lost. He feels that if we don't change it than a lot of children will fail and won't be able to learn the correct literacy as they should being that we are in the 21st century. James also state that our country has a very big empty space where our education for kids should be. Also that there are a lot of skills in digital media today, but there are also those who aren't as skilled as the others. He strongly tells us that everyday the education level that we are learning today is getting very advance and we need to start preparing our students now while they are young before its too late. Some kids don't comprehend as well as others when it comes to digital media. One thing he says that i can relate to is have a parent or relative read to you at home on a daily basis, so that when you do learn things in school your mind and intelligence is already functioning at a high level of education already. I know my sister was always reading the dictionary and my mom had her reading all the time, it really paid off. She's a straight "A" student and is able to adapt to anything thrown at her. No matter how advance the education might get she can easily adapt. So by students getting more training at home when it comes to literacy it will have a huge impact on their lives.