Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Games that help you Multi task

A topic that i think i might do for our research paper would be how some games help you to multi task and do a lot of things at one time. A game I'm thinking of using is "Hell's Kitchen". In hell's kitchen you have to prepare the food, then you have to go back to the front room and seat the people. Then you wait and take there order and go back into the kitchen to make the food. The tricky thing is while the food is cooking you have to go back out to the front and check to make sure no one is waiting on the line to be seated and that no one is waiting for there order to be taken or the food to be taken away. You must be careful that you go back into the kitchen and make sure the food is burning. You also have different timers set for the food and you have to make sure you don't put one of the foods in too quick. Another good thing about games like this is they help you not want to fail. You always try to get a 5 which is a perfect. For me it made me not want to give up and kept trying until i got it perfect. That could help people in the real world to when it comes to jobs. There might be an assignment that they have to do and they will make sure that it is perfect before they hand it in.


Shekira said...

heyy lisha i think thats a good topic for you to do because i know how much u spend time playing hells kitchen LOL....i think a lot of games have where your always doing more than one thing at once and thats usually what makes it fun. if you wanted you could maybe do a comparison of two games that you have to multitask. you can maybe choose another game that you didnt like so much and compare it to hells kitchen and see why you didnt like that other game as well as u liked hells kitchen....but i know that your probaly always gonna like hells kitchen better....

C. Jason Smith said...

Sure-- You could use James Gee's book (Good Games, Good Learning) as a starting place. Then you would need to make soe real world connections (he has lots of references at the end of his chapters).

C. Jason Smith said...

Actually the title is something like What Videogames have to Teach us About Learning and Literacy.

Tay said...

Sound interesting, where did you find that game? or can you send me a link?
I watch it sometimes on T.v. You have a good topic (claping,lol)

Claudia said...

I think that you are very focusing on what you want to write very nice Lisha.