Wednesday, October 15, 2008

week 6

I Have learned a lot so far in my cluster of classes In my American Film Class i really learned a lot when it comes to analyze a film and how editing is done. Dr. J is very helpful and fun and so is Dr. Louis. I really like all my classes as well as the teachers. In My 101/103 class Dr. J has really helped us prepare for our midterm paper as well as help us to know if we are plagiarizing or not. We also have been doing a lot of writing which i don't really mind because it's just helping me to become a better writer. I like that we got to watch the movie the matrix and also got to play games. It's fun it's like we do our work but get to play and have fun at the same time which is cool. I also like that we get to be on the computer a lot i like that the most. In Dr. Louis class i like it because we get to really just discuss what ever the topic may be at the time and we have fun. In my american film class i like that we get to watch movies and i get to see the different styles of movies and how they were before sound. Overall i really like my cluster of especially because all three teachers talk and we don't get a overload of work all at once. This semester so far seems to be going really well.

1 comment:

Shekira said...

hey lisha...well we seem to feel the same about our classes. All the teachers are really nice teachers.