Thursday, October 9, 2008

Club Fair

The club fair was really interesting , they had a break dancing club which was really different. You could join the break dancing club to break dance or you could just be a supporter, which is what i would do if i was to join. I don't think i would be able to break dance because i would just end up hurting myself and that isn't any fun. Although this club seemed fun i probably wouldn't do it. Another club i saw was a poetry club where you do short story writing and poems. I use to love writing poems so I'm really going to look more into that. The one club that seemed like the most fun out of all of the clubs would have to be the Gamers Club. They Play Video games and what ever game you might have trouble beating or don't understand they help you learn how to play it. Their were a lot of other interesting things going on at the fair that wasn't a club. They had the sparkling juice and they were also giving out coffee mugs and you save 10cents If you use it in the school cafeteria. The club fair i would have to say was really fun. I got to learn about different clubs and i also got free things like a mug, juice and they even had candy. I had a really good time.


N33dMoreCowbell said...

Yeah, I wouldn't join the breakdancing club either... I get hurt just standing still, LOL. Really, a poetry club? Where was this? I didn't see it. That club seems pretty interesting.

C. Jason Smith said...

The poetry club is PROSODY. They do really cool stuff. (I'm glad everyone had a good time!)