Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pixi Sticks

This week we took a field trip to Game Stop and Toy R Us and two other game stores. I notice a lot of things that aren't the same as when i was a kid. There was this toy car which was a lot more advanced than when i used to have toy cars. They look more realistic and the price for them were really high. They had a car called the Porsche and it cost $71.99. It came with headlights and a Trim alignment. I had a good time on the trip because besides games i pasted by star bucks and got to try some free hot chocolate. I also go some pixi sticks from toys r us and I've been eating it all week. Pixi sticks have a lot of sugar and i recently feel asleep after eating so many of them. I had a sugar crash but it was still good. I think shekira, Erica, Q and Tay would agree with me. I think that a game is something that you play to achieve a goal and it can also be challenging. A game is something made for more than one person to play. A toy is something that has the border of all games combine. I think a game is for more than one age its for all ages. A toy is mostly for kids and people with a young mind. Most games are for all cultures they have green people , white,black orange etc. I feel games come in all cultures its not just for one specific cultural all games have there own culture. I also think games today are more high tech than when i was younger. I also learned that board games are mostly strategy games and that PC games and Console games have nothing different about the two. Its just one uses a mouse and the other uses a controller but the games are mostly the same.


Shekira said...

lisha i think we had a good time with the games... even though we sidetracked like every 3 minutes LOL...it was crazy to see the prices on some of these games...i must say you went crazy over those pixie sticks...it was funny how u were reacting when you culdnt get the sugar to come out..haha...overall the trip was cool...

Claudia said...

Hi Lisha.

I really likre how you describe the Trip and the way how you explain on how much the games cost. Don't eat a lot of sugar ok. jajajajajaja

Hironelly said...

I know my legs where hurting also. shhhh dont tell people about my dancing its a secret lol. so you guys where sidetrack also, I stoped by a few other stores also before reching my destination point.